
Pedagogy - an also - diagnostic Science

    Lieferzeit:2-4 Arbeitstage
In den Korb
  • Beschreibung

Walter Alfred Siebel

The starting point for the following considerations is the view of the human being as a self-determining one and of pedagogy as the teaching of the succeeding interaction with the befallings of "living"; this teaching can lean on descriptions and logic. From this view, the existing theoretical conceptions involve problems. The alternative for them can only be a sensitive pedagogy which respects the dignity and freedom of the human being; this way, other-determination can become self-determination. A sensitive pedagogy takes into account the nexus between mental attitudes and physiological consequences, that is, the subconscious attitudes and our bodily reality are included as well, if pedagogy does not want to be manipulated by ideology. Therefore pedagogy needs diagnostics. Consequently, pedagogy is seen as a field of medicine, medicine, for its part, being understood as a sensitive one. Each of medicine, pedagogy and physiology has its task with regard to the human being‘s self-cognition, self-understanding and action. In conclusion, the pedagogical competences are outlined.